Harvest is fast approaching …

by donna.geswein@gmail.com on August 6, 2012

What a difference a year makes!  This has been a very trying summer and we are not looking forward to harvest.  The crops are in pretty poor condition.  We did get a nice rain Saturday evening but it was the first in a very long time.  Hopefully it helped the beans a little.  These dry conditions will speed up harvest which will probably begin in a couple weeks.  As we’ve traveled to other nearby states, we are still in much better shape than most so we will count our blessings as we move forward.   It will be good to get this difficult season behind us and we look forward to a better 2013!

Our Annual Landowner Supper is August 16th!   It’s always wonderful to enjoy some good food and fellowship with an outstanding group of landowners!


Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain!

by donna.geswein@gmail.com on June 4, 2012

We had the most perfect planting season that we can remember!  I was afraid to post that we were done planting so early in May because I was afraid to jinx things and maybe the planter would have to come back out again.  That didn’t happen thank goodness, but now we could really use some nice rains.  Everything is looking great so far and the rain we had last week should hold us over for a little while.

The dry weather has also allowed the guys to keep up on the spraying.  So they are back to doing excavation and backhoe projects that were put on the back burner.  We may run out of projects by July!


Spring is here!

by donna.geswein@gmail.com on March 26, 2012

Wow what a strange winter!  The mild temperatures and wet weather didn’t allow us to get many winter projects done.  However, the last month of dry, warm weather has more than made up for that!  The guys have been going hard doing some spring tillage work and spraying.  Lots of tiling and excavation projects are also being completed.

The planter is expected to start rolling soon if this weather holds out!

Happy Spring!





Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

by donna.geswein@gmail.com on December 23, 2011

Such an exciting and busy time of year!  We close out another successful year and look forward to 2012.

Mark and Tom  are spending their time hauling corn to finish up December contracts.  Randy and Donna are busy in the office doing year-end bookwork and preparing for the 2012 crop year.  People who aren’t  familiar with farming, think that farmers only work a few months out of the year.  Definitely not true!  The planning months are just as important as the actual field work these days.

We want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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We are thankful!

by donna.geswein@gmail.com on November 15, 2011

Another harvest is in the books.  Finishing on November 2nd, we were very lucky to be done before the rain and cold set in.  The past week or so has been spent cleaning equipment and putting it away for the winter.  We’ve also been doing some field prep work as the weather permits.

As we reflect on the past year, we feel so blessed to have great family and employees helping us throughout  the year!  Most especially, we count ourselves lucky to work for such amazing landowners.  We are truly blessed.  We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!


The end is in sight!

by donna.geswein@gmail.com on October 26, 2011

The end of harvest is finally in sight!  We have completed bean harvest and are about 75% done with corn.  It would be nice to miss the rain that is forecasted tonight and tomorrow.  Regardless, it shouldn’t be a long delay this time.  Yields are still going as expected with some pleasant surprises along the way.  We’ve had several corn fields that require some extra time to harvest due to wind/rain damage.  All in all, things are going well.

We wish you and your family a Happy Fall!


Harvest is in full swing!

by donna.geswein@gmail.com on October 8, 2011


The rain finally stopped and the combines are going full force!  The bean harvest is about 75% complete, and with no rain forecasted in the near future we’ll probably get it completed early next week.  We’ve been pleased with most of the bean yields so far.

Our second combine has been focusing on corn harvest and getting out a few fields that had wind/hail damage.  It was slow going to start with but hopefully we are past the hard stuff and it will start moving along quickly now.  Corn yields so far are as expected.  We have some really good yields and some not so good yields depending on when planted and how much rain it got.  Hopefully over all we’ll end up with a decent average.

The other project going on during harvest is adding an additional grain bin.  The bin is up but there’s a few finishing touches to be done before we can start loading it.